Jobs for mathematicians - the Sine Wave and the Unit Circle
The theme for September is occupations, so of course I am doing mathematicians, just for fun. i was going to do a geometry set with a protractor and set square etc, ….. but …. I did something that entertains me. So I apologise if this is not your thing, and I do hope there will be a few people out there who will be sufficiently entertained to make the block. I mean, why not? It’s like this, mathematics gets really bad press: many people have bad memories of maths in school, mathematicians are regarded as a bit weird. I feel it’s time to celebrate maths, geeky or not.
The sine curve and the unit circle quilting block
Now, either you recognise this image and a snorting with (I hope) amusement, or, you are thinking “What? this woman is weird” Or both. Well, maybe so, but if you add this into your fabulous occupations quilt at least it will make everyone who looks at it pause, and do a double take.
This isn’t a block for a beginner, but it isn’t terribly difficult either. I clipped my inside curves to 1/8”, tacked and then sewed the curves. After that, it’s all straight seams and just requires careful seam matching. The points where the sine curve meets the unit circle are actually not that horrible. If you sew the circle wedges together, and the sine curve to the background, then you just have a quarter circle to piece to the background, matching seams.
If you are a maths fan, you might also like my proof of Pythagoras block which is really easy to piece and considerably less obscure.
You can check out the other designers by clicking on the links below. the blocks are really great, and it will be a lot of fun to make them into a quilt.